About TEXL and our team

Created by Michelle Mahdon, Modified on Tue, 28 Feb 2023 at 07:52 AM by Michelle Mahdon

We are a group of academics who became frustrated with the state of survey-based people assessments in the domain of leadership development. On the one hand, companies often base their feedback on highly questionable junk, which inevitably then follows a garbage-in-garbage-out logic and makes it hard to compare results across companies. On the other hand, if one wants to deploy scientifically validated assessments, then one has to search far and wide for appropriate measures. Putting these all together in one easy-to-use 360° assessment not only means a lot of headache but also requires significant resources. We want to fix this!


Welcome to TEXL.org


We provide a simple to use, headache free, individualised, sophisticated survey tool with scientifically based assessments for learning and research that educators, employers, and individuals can use. Our platform allows time efficient survey compilation with interactive global benchmarking of results and lifetime access for individuals allowing them to return over time to compare themselves to others. Best of all, it provides everyone with the opportunity to compare themselves against different demographics from our ever-growing global database.


Our platform is endorsed and funded by the League of Leadership, ESRC Cross funding, University of Exeter and KLU.  Our project team consists of Prof Niels Van Quaquebeke, Dr Michelle Mahdon, and Prof Alex Gerbasi.


Note that our platform is in the early stages of development and offers the opportunity for disruption across the field of leadership.  We are continually reflecting and improving upon it. As we grow in both data and capabilities the platform will provide more power of benchmarking to support the development of leadership skills.


We are open for feedback! Drop us a note for additional suggestions, contactus@texl.org and, before you do, maybe check out our upcoming developments (here). There are plenty additional exciting features already in the pipeline.




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